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Executive Searches

Hiring an Executive Director is one of the most two most important duties a library board has.  Deiters & Todd Library Consulting (DTLC) brings nearly 50 years of practical, working library experience to every search they work on.  Our process is transparent, tailored to the specific needs of each library we work with, and, above all, effective.  


 The process begins with Jim and Alex spending time with the Board  and the staff to learn about the Library, the community, and the qualities desired in the next Director.  This information is the foundation of the job posting we write.  We also use this input as we screen candidates and select the questions asked during each round of interviews.


Staff input is an essential part of the process.  Although the Board makes the final decision, we have found they want to know what the staff think.  Towards that end, DTLC meet with the staff at the start of the process.  If the library is too large to allow us to meet with everyone, we meet with the Management Team and survey the rest of the staff.  Staff play a key role in the final interviews as well.  All staff are invited to the candidate presentations and the group we met with at the start of the process will have time to talk with each candidate as well.  Their impressions and ultimate preference are relayed anonymously to the Board as part of their deliberations.  


DTLC brings smaller but important details to each search. 


Alex and Jim use their 20+ years of library director experience during a review of the director's job description.  This document isn't updated very often and this is an excellent opportunity to do so.  Having an outside perspective helps us make sure it covers the essential qualifications without running on.  


DTLC provides a search update in time for the monthly board packet.  This memo, written with the intent that it be shared with the staff as well, keeps everyone appraised on the progress being made.  They explain what DTLC is doing during during behind the scenes during the application window and outlines what will happen in the coming weeks.  


DTLC works with each Board President prior to their negotiations with the successful candidate.  These negotiations are an essential first step in building the critical Director/President relationship.  We help ensure this process is as friendly, simple, and ultimately successful as possible.  


Once these negotiations are complete, DTLC works with each library to ensure the final reference and background checks are complete.  If the library has established procedures, we will follow those.  If they don't, then we conduct a basic criminal background check using ADP. 


Many of the boards we have worked with have told us that they wish they could hire both finalists.  We can't think of any higher praise for our process!  

Evergreen Park Testimonial
Chicago Heights Testimonial
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